Beneath the Surface: Anything But Mainstream

Episode 28 //
Anything But Mainstream

Welcome to the twenty-eighth installment of BOTE’s Beneath The Surface. Sean and Corey revisit what might be BOTE’s most underrated trip so far. A river trip down the Apalachicola River to shed light on the oyster fishery and its need for conservation. So sit back, press play, and enjoy.

Coming at you direct, from the middle of nowhere, to the center of everywhere.

The team with their BOTE boards
Camping out

Need for Clean Water
Corey with a shell
BOTE boards on the shoreline
Girl standing in front of BOTE board

Corey in front of the BOTE van
Shrimp boat
two horses
Sean in a hammock

Bait on a hook
Girl carrying her BOTE paddle board
Picture of sign
Guy standing with paddle