Ronnie Renner

Ronnie Renner

X-Games Gold Medalist. Father. Adventurer.

After a successful 20+ year career of doing Freestyle Motocross, this 10x X-Games gold medalist is embracing his roots of being a true Florida man and setting up life in his home state of on the Central Gulf Coast. Ronnie is a proud Father of 4 kids and is completely devoted / dedicated to rasing his kids to live life to the fullest. If he’s doing something, they are right there why his side. There’s no secret that motocross is the core ingredient of his life, but at the same time he prides himself in dabbling with nearly every sport and hobby under the sun! In true crossover sport fashion, nearly every sport or activity either has a crossover training or fun/ adrenaline element to it in order to compliment his motocross career. Ronnie was GoPros first ever signed athlete, with really has inspired him the last 10+ years to help create unique content to feed the media and social media beasts around us.

Though he started riding at a ripe 4 years old, Renner claims that he is not even remotely close to being burned out due to his obsession with life and trying every sport out there. He says that his spirit of adventure has been amplified since becoming a BOTE ambassador and plans to explore every inch of Florida by land and water before it’s all said and done. At 43 years old, he says that he’s just getting warmed up!

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